Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Hate Tuesdays?

I will confess the whole lack of sleep business is about to cause me to go batty, insanely desperate, and very annoyingly persistent to my own mental health's detriment... but that is a whole other issue in the grand scheme of things.

When you're pushing creating a never to be recovered from sleep debt - you notice the most annoying things occur. My trusty black pumps are pinching my right foot, my very expensive Calvin Klein patterned stockings have a pull in them already - and as a side note on the whole stocking business I've been desperately looking for seamed ones and I can't find them for the life of me that aren't thigh highs... anyways I digress. You also notice that the lovely grade 9 boy who takes the later bus is checking you out with a vengeance on the day you might either pull out his liver with your newly broken nail or as I did today teased him with a smile when he tried to be all gentleman like in front of me - yes dear you get a bonus point. Or you lose what's left of your self respect, if I have any left at this point, and you ask out your BB for coffee (post script - we have a lunch date at a veg/vegan restaurant on the other side of town on Saturday afternoon), because hell, if I can give 4 hours of my life to a habitual cheater, I can give the same amount of time to a sweet, always tired, but seemly nice provider of my morning life - the only reason I likely didn't disembowel the little preteen who seemed preoccupied with what a lady might look like in a pencil skirt and pumps versus the teenage girl next to me in sweats with ankle elastic and flip flops... goodness they didn't even coordinate.

PS If anyone, I mean anyone without a criminal record is willing to offer a cuddle tonight it would be hugely appreciated, the bed isn't big, but hell there will be dinner provided. Or if any of you ladies are willing to part with your secret body pillow, which I apparently need to invest in, let me know.

And because I'm trying to work/sleep at my desk... I'm having an odd music day, ta da!

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/56354775@N00/161095153/

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