Wednesday, September 23, 2009


AR is in the middle of packing up to return to the land of the koalas and TimTams and all sorts of lovely things I'm sure. So while she was packing last night I decided to regale her with the odd dream I'd had before. Now I will say I do sometimes remember my dreams - but some stick out and are clearer than others - this one ranks up there with maybe 2 or 3 that I still remember to this day - those are for another blog.

This dream involved me having a uterus occupant, and yes while we've been joking that my morning nausea (still happening) is the result of an immaculate conception - this was not the case in the dream. No I know who the father was - how that came to be - well I know how that works - but that wasn't part of the dream - anyways moving on... I remember everything from trying to hide it in my winter work clothes which is almost entirely pencil skirts - not forgiving, to telling my parental unit - same reaction I got when he found out about something else permanent in my life... to being questioned by a patient - the whole thing was like this out of body experience. And the crazy thing about it was the father, who like I need to label, had the same response as I imagine he might - supportive - but not. I'm an old fashioned girl - despite the dream's situation, and I guess I'm one of those you make it legal type people - or my dream persona was - I'm a little more practical than that - anyways she/I wasn't going to get that wish... needless to say I woke up with a familiar feeling these days - sadness, inexplicable in many respects...

So, weird dream, no big deal on the oddness radar, maybe just a sign that I should lay off the chocolate soy milk before bed or something like that. But no, it doesn't stop there - AR was packing up her cards and suggested we do a reading - it was free why not. So first up on the table AB. Well needless to say the cards say confusion and pregnancy. Interesting. It came up more than once... Let's just say it made us laugh that nervous laughter... Given that AR and I have already had this on going discussion about signs and all that, she knows more than I'm going to throw on up here... Regardless in the effort of equality we threw AL on the table after, let's just say it was a whole hell of a lot of ugly, like he got the same reading I would think CEF would have gotten, it was not good, never mind in some cases he got the opposite to AB - like the reverse fool in the place of 7. Now I take this with as much weight as licking your finger and sticking it outside to determine the weather... but heck some days that works - like the entire winter here. So in one last ditch effort we threw DB out there - he got just about every female power card, and a be patient was the answer - patience? I've been patient since the dawn of time for this case and while yes stranger things have happened - like how AB and I came to know each other - but ya, not holding my breath...

So there you have it, with a large grain of salt and a hell of a lot of weird...and also a new theme song for AB - per AR's request it is now as follows - I think it's better:

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