Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Okay World Enough!

Enough already with the highs and lows. I got the class that I registered for and then didn't get into but well you know the saga. After hours and hours of stalking the registration website I got in - awesome! 

But the daily dose of awesome ended there - I'm having an I feel exhausted, fat, ugly, ____ day - we all have them, no sense hiding it.  So it didn't help when I logged into FB to send a friend (Pastor type friend) a FB message that I would be late for coffee today, on the new feed was a slew of photos of AB and his gin tasting party.  Now I felt no slight in not being invited, but the issue is this:  I will wholly support an ex or non-ex having a positive relationship with someone (previous blog case in point), but if you have in your own words labelled a female a loose, drama loving, nowhere in life going person, who you don't actually want to be "friends with," then why do you have dozens upon dozens of photos with her clinging to you like a used piece of toilet paper.  She is not someone you should be dating.  And NO this is not where I say, pick me, ooo ooo, pick me.  This is where I want to slap you, remind you that you are 31 and not 13 and trashy ho's, or cheaters (the one before me) are only going to break your heart, cause drama and more importantly not promote anything positive in your life, except escapism.  But escapism is what it is, and it is frustrating to see it.  He's not the only guy who seems to get to this place in life where good friendships die and fluff abounds.  So AB get your shit together, or maybe I might just say you two deserve each other, but my pride won't let me at the moment.  Why? Well the other grand truth to that would be that I fell for and shared something very personal with a complete and utter douche and that is a really hard pill to swallow.  I am by no means not saying that is not the case, just I swallow enough nasty tasting vitamins in reality, I don't know if I am up for a emotional/mental one right now

PS. I am so, so tempted to put the photo up here...

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