Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oddly I'm Exhausted

Our lazy weekend in PDX has wiped me out and is making Hamlet my enemy - making just about any activity my enemy so I'm about to crawl back into bed and try and forget today...

But since I'm here it's time for the hodge podge posting that happens in these moments.  Wheat is evil, dairy ain't amazing either - but what is amazing is Happy Hour - Ms. J and I discovered PDX has an amazing institution for cheap ass drinkers like myself - well that and you get awesome food with it at really good prices but that all will be on the other blog - travel on over there...

Well so what did we do in PDX other than try to stay dry - well I tried to read through articles and in the process found myself struggling to find a paper topic that I had initially thought was easy - it seems my topic is part of a never ending circular discussion in which no one seems to make any kind of literary movement laterally away from the center - so it's yes to this and no to that and maybe to those ideas - does not work for me - I need something that I can even with some folly argue...  So no progress there - another place of no progress is my book addiction or my AB one for that - damn boy has reappeared in my brain - though not like that - let's start with the books.   There are books on my floor now - lots of books.  I am actually kind of scared - I have yet to know a time in my life when I owned this large a stack of books I had not read.  There have been many times I have had 20+ research books in various stacks on my floor but not like this.

As for AB it appears that after watching the SATC marathon with Ms. J on Saturday, my Mr. Big was never really a bad cold like AB - it is the weakness of the pride - the Maginot line for my heart - there is huge gaping hole in the defense structure that I still can't seem to want to build defense for.  That there is there is the issue - I know he's the shits for me in every way - it's the desire for defense that isn't present. Right now I'm going to claim a possibly lethal combination of apathy and loneliness.  I don't much care for a relationship but I wouldn't mind if I could get a little itch scratched - not that kind of itch - you know a hug, a kiss those little things that put that pep in your step. 

Oh well Hamlet is calling my name from the bed - wonder what he can do for me today.

Ms. J claims I interlock my reading, writing and music choices and it is very true normally one leads to the other so today's post in part was encouraged by this song, which I will apologize is older and so therefore all youtube has is a poor incomplete copy:

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