Saturday, February 06, 2010

I Need A Favour

I need someone to check my texts from last night - really anything sent after 8pm. Once those are in the clear we need to find a way to convince Blackberry to develop a drunk texting app, something that will test your blood alcohol level and shut down if it's too high or something like that.

On the plus side of the evening and the reason I ended up the way I did:

1. Ms J is going to be my neighbor, we can be study buddies, sick buddies, TV buddies - we are going to have to marry twins at this rate kind of buddies. And even better there is a liquid fun store up the street so it will be awesome. All around awesome plus I have a friend who's a legitimate adult now, unlike me.

2. I looked good though who knows how I looked at the end of the evening. I mean I was fully clothed - nothing lost - though my hair might have been a fright... actually I did take off my shoes at the corner where Ms. J will be living soon, and walked home barefoot - the express bus had made me feel a little off. That really wasn't the issue, the issue was walking past the 4 police officers guarding the entrance to the venue and trying not to giggle.

3. I didn't kill myself on the BOSU in the middle of my floor

4. I was up and awake at 7am - yay circadian rhythm, I would have been up and showered and all that - but the landlord had emptied it so I wasted the last 2 hours in bed catching up on my blog reading. Y'all need to post more.

So... since I know no one is going to check my phone for me and honestly I would somehow be mortified if someone read it first before I could blog my shame, give me a second to remind myself that since AB isn't in bed next to me, it couldn't have been that bad...



  1. I don't think so, I just searched drunk text on Flickr and ta da I got today's photo courtesy of whomever wanted to embarrass this person

  2. Your drunk texts should go to texts from last night! And any drunk emails to !

  3. I am going to confiscate your phone next time we go out drinking. If you were as bad as you were on Twitter on friday, I'd hate to see what your texts were like...

  4. Nah the texts were actually rely benign - in the end I said what I will say in the other comment, I know I shouldn't miss him, that it is what it is, but I do and our little check in with each other that started when I got sick - he checked in, has just reaffirmed that I'm not over him, maybe I'll always miss some aspect, but for me right now missing him = held feelings, which are no good for me

  5. PS I believe there was one small victory I didn't have to deal with any sexting from MW, yay me my eyeballs weren't scarred with his descriptives


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