Thursday, February 18, 2010

So about HSBFF's Question

HSBFF asked if AB changed and came back would I take him back. What the hell kind of question is that? You know the answer - I don't have one.

I know that for him to change it will be like the second coming of a blue moon this spring season. It's not going to happen. He's not going to quit being a social alcoholic like any frat boy, but he's 31. He's not going to find a stable part time job in his field, and he's not going to make significant progress in his art.

So in the end even if he performed his grand gesture which he says he has but refuses to tell me what it is, or possibly share it with anyone - which makes me wonder if it existed or are you saving it...

I know that my answer would always have to be no, though let's be honest, because that's what we are here - if he came crawling back even without changing I know it would be bitterly hard for me to say no. Good gracious I loathe this diseased part of my brain.

1 comment:

  1. And that is the precise reason why complete and utter cut-off is the only way to really get over someone that you care about. Whether they do it intentionally or not (some do, some don't) the people that we love/care about who care about or want something from us will continue to push those buttons that cause us to stick around...until they have drained every last bit of energy from you and you have nothing left...and because they can't be what we want/need them to be...we get nothing back from them and we are left as a shell...a bitter, angry shell.

    It't not worth it...delete the number, erase the facebook friend status and don't talk to them for 2-3 years until your life has moved on to the point where they no longer fit into it.


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