Thursday, January 28, 2010

More Updates

Sheesh you get the smell of a man off you finally somehow and then they all come out of the wood work or something like that. AL is back. Now if you remember AL was intricately weaved into the infamous night of gin and tequila and goodness knows whatever else I drank that went something like this if you need a recap.

1. AB and I had the talk - the I really like you but I'm happy single talk (First weekend of September folks)

2. Next week was the annual booze fest at AB and roommates place - I attended being the "adult," showed up 4 hours earlier on a sweltering Saturday - homemade mango black bean salsa in hand. We watched Lost and started drinking - gin and tonic, safe... all platonic at this point.

3. Two gin and tonics later AL shows up with Patron in hand and the X's and O's shot glasses come out - two down the hatch followed by another gin and tonic which I nurse (two more shots later on). At this point platonic goes out the window and the odd body part stops respecting personal space, a finger along a wrist, and foot up the back of a leg etc. This continues on for the next 4 hours. AB kept drinking - AL seeing I wasn't up for another gin and tonic so he gets me juice and keeps it coming all while staying by my side - blocking AB and being handsy all the while. I don't like handsy - especially not touching my hair... anyways AL offers to drive me home. I'm thinking well it's a ride home and not a cab on a hot evening...

4. At the door as I hug AB night night, he oh so smoothly says have you seen the terrace (look you know I haven't why ask?) - AL interjects I have and works to hustle me out. I being blonde in another life say No, and get whisked minus AL to the terrace. Talking leads to me crying then laughing then um ya, let's just say things might have gone from zero to wherever if AL wasn't texting AB and I had another location option other than the gym room lockers to be propped against - just saying. So we collected ourselves and so on and so forth - fast forward to me going on a date with AL three weeks later as BR was moving in. Date was interesting

5. Interesting = Habitual Cheater confession. REALLY, oh they sure know how to pick me.

So there we have it AL is back, offering to take care of my sick ass - because he knows AB is out of the picture. And you know what? It ain't happening - I know I'm his perfect fetish and it ain't freaking happening. Why?

Honestly aside from the cheating thing and why the hell is there even an aside to that, I don't know, it's the two year dating minimum prior to engagement he has. Um I'm getting old - so if I date you for two years, engaged for a year at best, that's three freaking years of my life. Bless you but I want kids IN wedlock and NOT out of it, so no. I am not giving you three years of my eggs lives if I have a say in it. At this point in the game a back up reason as solid as that is really good reason to keep the handsy hands off of me. Though he can cook...


  1. Geez...what do you say to that???

    Marissa Tomei in "My Cousin Vinny?"
    Just kidding!

    You lead one interesting life. At least you got men fighting over you. Too bad one guy is a man-child, and the other, a cheating stiff.

    So what's the next move?

  2. The next move? The next move is to leave AB alone because we all know where that is heading and one on one time and all the heartbreak that follows.

    AL is just interested because he knows AB is going to sit on his ass for all eternity. It's all about a game with this one. Sure the boy has a job, a house and a car but being that he's a self confessed habitual cheater nothing good is going to come of anything with him, NOTHING.

    So I leave them be, fix the issue with BB so I don't feel like a cad going into the store and wait for whoever I might run into literally or something like that...

  3. You sure he won't latch on to you the minute you give him an inch? He got weird on you once before (if I recall your past blog correctly). Hopefully he's not a repeat offender.

  4. BB? Oh Lord no. Why? Well in bullet form:

    1. I have become a less personal space conscious person post CEF - I used to have a policy that if you were male and weren't specifically and only ever a friend - hugging didn't happen - BI can attest that despite our really close friendship we have never hugged - we could now because he's moved on... anyways I digress, a back hug to me is a complete violation of my space and says I don't have the nerve to hug you to your face, more to the point I think he knew I would never hug him face on...

    2. The date*/car ride from hell - I have a therapist and quite simply this boy needs one more than I ever did - suicide attempts, multiple engagements, bad break ups, abuse, a deceased father, a paternal type relationship with his sister than strikes me as odd, an equally over affectionate relationship with his dog, he lives with his mother in a co-dependent relationship, insomnia, stress related health conditions etc. I know all this not from observing but because he told me directly or indirectly ALL of it on the ride to the restaurant.

    3. I get that we are all in some way NLLL'd up, but I get to make a personal call on what's too too much.

    And in the end all these men are bordering or in the too too much broken/mess that is entirely unaddressed category. As I said way back last year - therapy isn't for everyone but it sure isn't a bad idea to go through your personal baggage organize it, clean it up and figure out what you take with you on the real journey and what you leave behind. Oddly enough as you proceed you'll ditch more once it's organized.


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