Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sad Beautiful Music

So because I'm of two minds, or maybe because I did love the boy for some unknown horribly complex reason, a feeling I swear some days I want to drink away, I still think of him often. This song reminds me of that/this feeling, but it's also just plain beautiful.


  1. If I was one of your close personal friends I'd say: "Close personal friend, you need to get the f*** out of Dodge!" Respectfully, of course.

    You had a great time with AB while it lasted. It's alright to bemoan the loss for a while, otherwise, you wouldn't be human.
    Closest thing I can compare to this is my ex-GF from a few years back. She broke up with me on Christmas day and I was a hot mess to say the least. That was a very rough couple of years after all of that.
    I miss her, from time to time...I held on to the hurt for so long that it became a part of who I was for a very long time...That didn't do me any good either...I had to move on, otherwise, I'd have been buried somewhere a long time ago.

    I loved her and I thought she was the One at the time...but I couldn't let her or the thought of her cannibalize me anymore.

    Let it hurt a while. That's what blogs and Vodka and us, your fans, are for. Consider this ordeal your way of making room for somebody who's a whole lot better and much more deserving of you ;)

  2. "I loved her and I thought she was the One at the time...but I couldn't let her or the thought of her cannibalize me anymore." - I have to say I love that quote - so accurate.

    I agree about everything you've said - thankfully I don't see him under normal circumstances - as of late it's just been the whole being sick in bed and feeling pitiful. Once I am no longer stuck in the bed we shared and off running and socializing my brain will return to normal.

  3. always comes back to the freakin' bed! Tell me about it. If it weren't so expensive to replace I'd have done it a long time ago!

  4. Have to agree, wish I would have known.


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