Thursday, January 14, 2010

So What Now?

I have sent out my resume again, and likely again and again and again after that... work sucks.

On an equally cheery note my stress has resulted in a cough and sore throat, fatigue and yay me an inability to sleep except on the train. I can sleep there no problem...

N and I were discussing where to now, as the young ones get married and we are still trying to find anything of substance. In a world that still believes there is truth in the Bachelor we are finding the search frustrating. I'm stuck on DB in a bizarre way and I can't figure out what if anything to do with that. The only men that ever seem to look at me these days are after my runs when I look a fright - and I wonder if they are staring at the wetness of my clothes rather than me... I could go the route of having my dad arrange dates, culturally that wouldn't be too far off (arranged marriage is an accepted though rarely used in North America custom - in the Mother land it was common)...

So instead of trying to solve world peace, the singleness epidemic or why people actually are shocked about an affair on the Bachelor when that's what he's doing himself is it not? I am going to go leave my blessed office and head home to something - not quite sure what, maybe a bowl of cereal?


  1. You show that cereal who's boss! BTW, about your comment in my last blog, my sister is going through the same trouble about the question regarding kids...she even got the guilt trip from my gramma that she's not trying hard enough and that she wants to see great grandkids before she kicks the bucket! It was so pitiful, I had to laugh. Hard.

  2. I know my dad wants grandchildren and while yes I want kids, I will tell you that I want them as a result of committed healthy relationship. That oddly enough was never a huge concern for me, but I had a pregnancy scare with AB and well all I could think was this is no feeling any single-ish woman should feel, so on that note, I have focused it this way - if children aren't an option as a result of a committed relationship then I am open to adoption. It's an odd thing - the expectation of children.

    It's hard, there are lots of great reason that there are expectations and there are lots of reasons there shouldn't be. Patience seems to be the only option these days.

  3. those boys you run into after your run when you are all sweaty and glowing are probably just thinking, "huh! sweet, she runs, man..."


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