Monday, December 14, 2009

Part 1 of 3

It was an interesting weekend that warrants an update in parts.
So DB was not dethroned via conventional methods, there was a breakdown in communication with Ms. J. I got my hormonal self out of bed finally at 4pm on Saturday to get ready. Instead of heading out I spent the evening in Velcro rollers, jeans and a Lululemon hoodie. But fear not all fun was not lost. BR and her friends has a party to attend and started the drinking early, so I was mixing my Midol and Merlot (not to be done again)... I managed to avoid the clubs with them due to my non-existent club wear. I have to say it's been an interesting year shopping wise, I've purchased almost no work clothes and instead have a closet full of running gear and some date appropriate clothing, now a club/party outfit needs to be added to combination... did I mention I don't dance, not that I have anything I against it, I can't. But we are digressing. So I watched the game with Merlot in hand, bid adieu to BR and eventually I wandered off to bed. Well lo and behold the M and M combo made me violently nauseous at about 1:30-2am, about the same time MW twitmessaged me. So in my rotating room, keeled over haze I found myself venturing into Part 2.
But we'll leave that for a moment, back to DB. He was found in the cards to be one of patience. Years have been spent on this pining and I've really just given up. The stars would have to realign and major changes to be had if this were to be. So DB is freed but well damn it as I've said a few blogs back the relationship well has most blessedly run dry.

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