Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Almost Free of Christmas

I am learning how to enjoy Christmas slowly, one lovely way is being free from my family. It was always the time of year when I normally failed and rightfully so at holding all the dysfunctional pieces together. It was a time for exams, working long hours to pay for the next semester's books, doing everyones Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, tree trimming and decorating, baking and Christmas morning was mine too. Yep 5am I was up getting things going, cinnamon buns and the works were all expected to be ready by 7:30-8... then the long day would continue with fighting, arguing and passive aggressive silence.
But no more. I quit my family last year and found a new one, Ms. J's. They might be dysfunctional, but they drink and seem to take the humor approach to just about everything... this year I get to escape my family and go south all in one fell swoop, even better I get to to take the train to do it. But let's back up things - my joy at the moment is my office Christmas duties are now complete. Yes I do have to shop but being me I have a list, it's being checked numerous times and it's all under control... Christmas can come now, I'm ready, pass me the mistletoe!

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