Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hell Hath No Fury like a Woman Denied Playoff Tickets

Okay so I'm a rabid hockey fan, maybe because I've played and watched it for most of my life, maybe because that's the Canadian thing to do, maybe because I've always wanted to be a puck-bunny deep down inside but was never willing to well do the things they do... all that being said, I am currently acting as score texter, sin bin translator to my Aussie roommate and enjoying the palpable excitement around town, until it was brought to my attention, someone who shall remain nameless passed me over for tickets to one of the games. This is a capital offence, these were tickets that I would have most definitely baked for, cleaned for and maybe exchanged some other services, and no I am not referencing any puck bunny esque service. I love me my hockey, but not that much... So I am going to eat some chocolate and calm myself down with the accounts and listening to this... no comments, just because I'm in charge of the accounts doesn't mean anything

Love Sex Magic - Ciara featuring Justin Timberlake

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