Friday, April 10, 2009

The Email Dance

So my darling readers, the letter below was sent in it's modified version as you know, I've received a letter back and of course in return sent one and now we wait. I could be ridiculously happy that I'm away from my Crackberry, but really I'm not. An appendage of my existence has ceased to exist and so I fill my weekend with vodka, naps and baking. Sounds a little bizarre but it works fabulously J's family has pseudo-ly adopted me as my nuclear family has ceased to exist in any normal form for months. So why not get due south, surround your biological clock ticking soul with little children and raise a few glasses of a lemonade spiked beverage and some Bailey's to having a good long weekend... Happy Easter all and here's to hoping I might get to spend a holiday with someone else.

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