Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Soul Mates

As I was procrastinating in another form - cleaning, ironing etc, I started to think about the one man who hasn't made it on to this blog and can't persay - I've promised not to, so in a vague fashion I will enter this discussion. This individual under other circumstances and of course assuming it was mutual would be my marry for companionship person, note not for love, but because he is someone with whom my life has been wholly transparent and we are similar in many ways and different in others, but hell, I think it's suppose to be that way. I would say companionship because well I doubt wholly that we are suited for each other romantically (long explanation which would void the disclosure part). More to the point what exactly am I looking for? I know the companionship thing, the friendship is really important to me, but I know that there has to be something more, so what the hell does that look like? I've known people who marry because of companionship, because they wouldn't kill each other, but see here's the deal, I'm a Gemini, I'm destined to attempt the killing part, if not succeed, so the future person has got to be prepared for a hell of fight. I know I've got a lot my demons/ghosts/shadows/"issues" torched, but there are always going to be issues that my secret stash of my little helper isn't going to help... so ya anyways we've detoured somehow here...

I guess I'm trying to figure out in the sea of rejects why they are rejects and all that... hmm clear as my coffee.

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