Monday, August 10, 2009

So Let's Revist Friday for a Moment

I texted BV for coffee because I'd had a shitty week and wanted someone to talk to that wasn't suffering from a case of ex-girlfriend-reappearance-itus. It wasn't a date, sure I looked cute, but hell it's more a case of not knowing when I'll actually run into someone who isn't a dud. Anyways at the end of our very awkward conversation about nothing of any substance, and I was still sorely in need of a drink, he stutters out he's dating someone. Okay so since when? It's been under a week since your FB message to check in and see how I am doing - with exams and all that and that we should get together... and you apparently rescheduled your evening to see me... hmm. Blah, I strutted up to V's chugged two glasses of white and a slab of chocolate cake and then realized what the hell, he's lame, we already agreed on that and yes I do appreciate the irony that this conversation would have had to go the other way. The thing that really bother me, wasn't all that - it's the OM repeated statement of well I don't know how this relationship is going to go. Let me save you your breath - it's not going to happen, this ship sails and that is it, no repeats.

And because I am all for sugary toxic pop on a raining Monday morning:

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