Monday, June 08, 2009

It's Not Worth IT is it?

Sitting here trying to figure out how to start, do I empty out my frustrations about the brunette always being labelled as the tarts that defile the young men, only to be rescued by the blond (check your bildugsroman definitions), I love how pop culture steals just enough to capture the attention of the fringe, we had this discussion in another time and place about a music video featuring a cuckold... but anyways that is neither here and not there or here... so moving on. After a weekend of partying, I'm trying to figure out how I decided to in my old age to ramp up my social calender...maybe just maybe because I figured somewhere along the way it would all pay off and I wouldn't be blogging about acronyms and mystery pseudo men, that it would all be wrapping itself up into a neater bundle, of boy meets girl, boy calls/FB's/emails girl, boy and girl meet informally - coffee, used book store, gallery or whatever - not all on one day of course, and then if boy likes girl we progress from there. Simple? Well apparently it goes more like this: boy and girl meet, girl thinks boy is cute, emails/FB's/texts boy, boy responds, waits, waits, boy waits a little longer and girl moves on... or girl gets impatient and asks uninterested boy out... or as seen on the weekend as we passed by a local nightclub, I apparently would be successful if I took the dress I was wearing on Saturday night, opted to skip the double sided tape and took 12 inches off the bottom, ensuring that the hem instead of grazing my knees grazed my toosh instead... is that what I'm left with? Is that how it's done? Because while I function under the I don't care if you look policy those boys I believe function under the belief they get the right to touch after one weak assed martini... even a strong, excellently executed one doesn't get you that far, it may get you my guarded with my life phone number... yes you are of select company if you get my number, it has something do with a CEF... all that being said I believe today June 8th it's SO NOT WORTH IT ALL, someone please I beg you prove me wrong.

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