Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Girls Don't

Do lots of things I'm sure I've been known to do, which is maybe why I like the bad boys when it has come to dating. My policy has been if they're tattooed, pierced, have a little bit of a potty mouth and play an instrument, then I'm all over it like a bridezilla at a Kleinfeld sample sale... in recent months I've learned that while that may be what I'm attracted to since I'm not a purely good girl, and you don't get the bad boys that you can change - a la Beauty and the Beast, and vice versa, good guys it seems are looking for something a little, perhaps wilder. I was thinking about that as I wrote out for like the millionth time that an individual I know is a "genuinely nice guy" and blah blah blah, so why not this said genuinely nice guy? Because well I know I'm not even registering on his radar, that is if guys have that... so be that person out of left field saying hey you seem like a really great guy wanna go to _____, seems so completely wrong... am I wrong for believing that?

1 comment:

  1. A confident guy should have no problems being asked out by a girl...but to be honest, I have no idea if that is even what you are asking.../boggle.


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