Monday, June 29, 2009

Hipster Couple Saves the Day

I was walking behind this hipster couple today as I covered almost the same ground BV and I covered on Saturday. I texted Ms J the following, "I am walking across the bridge and there is this hipster couple in front of me and instead of making me bitter, it made me realize we get that someday, maybe not now when the boys are tools, but someday we will get that and maybe for today that knowledge is enough for me to keep going forward." Maybe that just it, after coffee with V and E, I realized that while BV could be great with time after as Ms J jokes he deals with my "lady love pillows" which what she bemused as the reason for the shitty hug, or he could just be a socially stunted man who can't deal with someone unique like me. AB might be a great guy, but who knows, and maybe we just keep moving forward, step by step. So in honor of the hipster couple I say, I know that it will happen, someday through this journey it will be clearer, it will make sense, and I will have learned something, even if all that is, is how to look really cute on multiple dates and make conversation, even in the most painful and frustrating of circumstances.


  1. I don't think it has much to do with your alleged uniqueness... seriously - I think he's socially awkward or has zero dating experience. Just for my own gratification I will consider him the unfortunate product of all of those boys out there who just don't think about dating and fumble ineptly through their lives thinking that some girl will one day just drop into their laps... and he has recently at his ripe age, realized that he might have to actually make an effort but has no "skillz" with which to communicate with the opposite sex - which he might have had if he'd woken up to these issues earlier.

  2. sorry - "alleged uniqueness" sounds like I don't believe you are the fabulously unique and wonderful person you are, which of course I do.

  3. No real girls drop anywhere - laps or otherwise, we may lean in ever so obviously, bait a multitude of traps, hobble around in high high heels, or pull awkwardly at low cut tops, invests in all sorts of secrets mutual between me and Victoria... but hmm, well it's funny - in the end I know BV is going to need me to lead the way, and AB is the opposite, and both I feel stuck in, honestly though that being said, I refuse to get a shitty hug the next time that's for sure, and AB well I think I've given up on expecting it to be some formal DTR moment, it feels more like a grow into format if anything, though I doubt it.


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