Thursday, June 18, 2009

I May Never Recover

Last night came together in ways that well I guess were organic, and since we'll I'm one of those yuppie, hippie, postish gen x'ers we are safe to say I'm more than okay with organic.

J has a shiteous day at work and well I knew a little liquid courage wasn't going to do me any harm before I had to drop off the goodies. So we drank, discussed J's target DB and yes AB whom J has yet to meet and may be meeting sometime soon. After which I skedaddled over to AB house to drop off the cookies and then intended to go home and do the dishes, clean the house from the whirlwind of me running through it all, and so on and so forth... but that didn't happen, I got the tour of the place and then proceed to join AB and a gaggle of ladies which became other and then shifted in size down to just 4 of us for a long, oh very long walk, to the point where I was wondering if the buses were still running and AR called to make sure I was still alive... we talked, dished personal shit, and discussed the fringes of the whole CEF drama... (and no I did not bring it up - the conversation seemed to just get there via the others in the group's discussion of ended engagements - as J says it makes me sound mysterious - for me it makes me feel like a Charlotte, die hard romantic brainless fool...) it was nice and deja vu BI style. We've arranged other meetings and in the end it just seems like an organically developing friendship, and beyond that? We'll leave it where it is right now, it works for me, thank you.

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