Monday, June 07, 2010

Okay I know this is odd...

But given that I am now writing about Ophelia and the issues with the responses to her death, I figured that this was appropriate....

The Death of Ophelia

And while Ophelia didn't have access to Youtube, we can wonder what would have become of her if she had YouTube, because honey this is so your song, there is so much more to you than Hamlet (Laertes and Polonius) while we are at it:


  1. I am back! How are you? Looks like I have some reading to do! I had my audition this last Saturday, got fired from my job for wanting to go and I'm going to vacation in internationals home town for a while! <3

  2. Well that sounds good and bad - I hope it works out for you - yes there is a little reading nothing grand on this front, just fighting with a huge load of self doubt in regards to my writing ability in this Shakespeare class I'm in... speaking of which I need to get off of here


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