Friday, March 26, 2010

So as to that list...

Right now we are going to have to see about that list.  See things are what they are - I am fatigued, itchy, etc.  So this weekend other than my agreed upon party - I am going to be removing the small rug we have in the kitchen/living room as well as opening up the window and trying to clean/air out things more than they normally are.

Aside from that I'm trying to ditch the soy and reduce red meat, basically take on a Ayurveda diet for Vatta-Pitta.  Now I know that it sounds off, but it is at it's root a simple whole foods diet that suggests preparation of certain foods - i.e. for me warm cooked foods are better, and I know that, I know I feel a million times better after a warm kind of mushy meal than a salad despite what's it in the salad. I'm ditching the soy because it's an allergen - not for me so far but it can be.  Apparently I should also consider removing gluten and yeast as those two are known to cause problems for IBS and chronic hive people like me.  Fun times around here - feeling like an 80 year old woman.


  1. Ugh I have been in the same boat, Trying to eliminate what isn't the best for you is a long hard and usually difficult process but it IS worth it in the end. GL

  2. Thanks, the hardest part right now is it's a guessing game because I'm not releasing histamine/not reacting to allergens the simplest option apparently is I'm allergic to foods I think I'm okay with and they're making me sick... so at this point it's about staying healthy ie. no more colds/flu's etc. If I can do that it's one step in the right direction


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