So here's the run down, Bella tries continuously to jump Edward and Edward plays his ironically Edwardian role of chaste lover of her heart and brain... Somewhere this all seems wrong. Okay I'm all for men respecting women - getting to know them for more than what is in their pants, but when you turn the roles so polar I start to wonder what is being said about women and their desires. Let me clarify this we want it, especially as we get older - sure there is some debate about the whole sexual maturity thing, let's say I think a lot of it is directly correlated to the I don't give a shit quotient that seems to ramp up about this time in life too - we realize that we need Spanx, anti-aging creme, exercise and all sorts of other helpers than why the hell should be we shy about wanting it. So we want it, nothing wrong with that now is there? The question is why polarize it, why make it seem like it's wrong? Or is it? Women's fiction has been consistently polarized in the opposite direction and I don't think that is far either, but I guess that doesn't make good fiction now does it. Can't have two people on equal footing, mutually consenting now can we?
The photo highlights the wonders of gin for Katie and me... tequila gives me heartburn and vodka is my friend, it wouldn't make me do the things that gin does...
They don't call Gin Liquid Panty Remover for nothing. I hope you are at least drinking Bombay Sapphire...now that's a gin...in such a nice bottle too.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I think I recognize that women in the picture from Woody's...if not her...at least 100 others like her... :(
I wasn't aware that Gin went by a different name, but that definitely makes sense... I know it was cheap stuff that night - there was a desire for quantity not quality...
ReplyDeleteIt's actually Katie Couric - but yes I agree - there is a definite increase in the numbers of cougars out and about...
Well Sapphire isn't something you would want to get smashed on. It would give you a headache of mammoth proportions. But if you want to chillax with a nice Gin drink...Sapphire is the way to go...and once you finish the bottle you have a nice decorative vase at the end of it ;)