Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tough Love

Courtesy of my aunt's 100+ channels of everything under the sun I found a show called Tough Love 2. I was actually kind of surprised because in the middle of all the weird shows they have on reality television, it seems to get to the heart of the million and one problems we single women seem to have. I thankfully haven't required an embarrassing television show, I have however found that hours and months of expensive therapy have helped in some ways. In the end I don't have the luxury of a show to screen through potentials. But as I sat staring at the mess of my luggage in my cousin's Twilight infused room, thinking about AB who hasn't bothered to see how I am and my frustrations at wondering how even a friend can do that, and MW who has stepped in with a vengeance - he's always been a great occasional chat person, but he's been really saving the day with his cheeky humor trying to deflate the anxiety... I know that no act in my life defines me - that my past doesn't make me a certain kind of person and to the daily acts that my actions tomorrow - that that race is not me, success or failure it's one foot in front of the other...

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