Monday, November 02, 2009


I have observed some kind of weird phenomena... it seems that post 25ish to 30ish the majority of men are career focused, self development focused, focused on anything but stable relationships leading to marriage. However it seems about there women have gotten their degrees, done their requisite tour of Europe, entered the corporate landscape and start hearing the annoying loud ticking of their future coming from goodness knows where. Like my barista boy did today, it attacks you from behind, makes you feel slightly violated, but then you are forced to face it, attempt to wrinkle your preventative Botoxed brow at it, and then deal with it's ugly truth, like a sweat stain in a satin dress in August there is no avoiding it, your uterus has started to call the shots. So you do as any good single girl does and you develop a habit of: abusing your liver, spend long hours with a therapist trying to figure out why the hell your here (you discover your family is surprisingly more toxic than your new drinking habit), a fetish for some weird clothing item, pick up a slightly masochistic sport that involves tonnes of traveling to places that start interesting but unfruitful cocktail party conversations and so on... but in the end the only men chasing your skirt are OM types, too old, too single and oddly likely not too sure which team they prefer... and you for some reason as rational as the purchase of that silk dress from Banana Republic last year that left nothing to the imagination, you chase the one boy you should have smacked the last time he caressed your neck while watching the Princess Bride. Sure you gave him the hairy eyeball (Link gives the reference for the term) he knew what he was doing, but hell honey so did you... And so here we are, no?


  1. "your uterus has started to call the shots."....that made me crack up, and then cringe. I cringe because I'm one of those late 20'something men that is career focused, and who's dating life has taken a back seat. It sucks sometimes, but I'm almost there, so I don't want to compromise that, and I don't think most of the other guys do either.

  2. That is completely respectable, it's more those like AB and well hell almost every man I've known who hits their mid 20's and then seems to go on this I need to find myself, every woman has hurt me kind of journey which I don't really think is all that productive. You're lucky, you have no uterus to contend with, you can date as young as you would like - so take your time, don't compromise.

  3. Uteri can be unpredictable and highly unstable....they kinda scare men. I figure I'll eventually meet the right girl, though according to my friends I need a "tribal council" to vote undesirable prospects off. I may give it a shot once I settle in a bit more.

  4. Hell it scares me, I am sure it will be even more scary when it starts to talk to me... let's hope that never happens

    Tribal councils are only good. Just make sure you know what they have invested in the vote too.


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