Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Things We Think and Do

Yesterday started out with the best of intentions - take the Subway to Ground Zero, see the financial district and so on and so forth. However the WTC stop was though marked accessible was not, so we back tracked and found ourselves in Greenwich Village and NYU territory. I have to say I always believed that I didn't need the "university experience," that I didn't need to rush and all that, and while I still don't want anything to do with the Greeks, I do want is move here, settle in the land of hunky single docs and get my masters degree in something ethical enough to settle out my lusting eye and penchant for dresses from Greenwich shops. Who knows my life could change a lot between here and then - the then being when I finish my current degree. And while I wholly doubt that I will not be finding myself over on this side of the world, given that a whole lot as occurred thus far in my life, I'm not going to rule it out. So on that note, I'm off to find my Mr Big Part Deux in Central Park, enjoy the sun and look on in shame, pain and lust at the runners wanting so eagerly to be out there but given the miles I'm putting on my feet this week, I think I'm going to have to put that on hold until I'm back home.

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