Thursday, May 07, 2009

It's like Bloody Hell, Y'all

I was going to try and mix one more slang reference in there, but oh well. My buses didn't show up this morning, I was without coffee and at the end of it all I realized I am way way too busy to have a man in my life, it's that or get rid of running - one keeps me sane and healthy, the other one makes me feel prone to violent outbursts. So for the near future I'm going to sniffing the library dust, and the pollen and leaving OM to get his life sorted out. In the end I doubt the sorting will help much but who knows. I'm not going to hold my breath.

How's life for you?

Update: I have a new love, my poli sci class - ahh to be in the warm embrace of feminism journals and UN reports and statistics again... to make this day even better I'm off to buy some new paper, some post it's and a few folders. Tonight I'll clear off more shelf space - oh lordy this is almost better than a date, actually at the risk of staying single for life, it is better. I love to write, and even more about things I'm passionate about... so tootles OM until the books start to overwhelm me, by then maybe you'll have things figured out.

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