Or so Katy Perry made me think. Doesn't it all look lovely? Well I know it's not lovely, they don't get to wear all that silver glitter eye shadow anyways. But it made me wonder, how'd I get here? I mean not that being a showgirl was an option for me, but given that I have a "I hate my job and you can all screw yourselves" kind of job right now according to J, what went wrong? I can't seem to get a guy with an education and a backbone, they seem inversely proportional these days, until you get to a certain education level and then yes they are directly proportional once again. But those men, those men want something else all together, and well I don't run in the Bunny kind of circles, nor do you ladies. Sooooo, back to the point, I am happy with many aspects of my life, I would not necessarily change my degree and all that jazz, but the issue is more so, how do I change my future?
Online dating? Been there and done that - and while it works for some, I think it's just not for me.
Speed dating? Bwahahaha, sorry it may work for some, but it's like speed interviewing, when all I want to know in those brief few moments is the same thing: University education? Drugs? Alcohol? Criminal Record? Pets? Children?
Education no matter what it is says I can jump through a societal hoop, and maybe you'll jump through another societal hoop - like RESPONSIBILITY.
Drugs,yes I know it's Vancouver and my landlord is down with the pot usage, but I'm not, sorry
Alcohol, my sweet lova, it's all fine and good until some orders the shots, or drinks Canadian...
Criminal Record, well you'd think that's a self explanatory one
Pets - can be good and bad, shows some level of responsibility
Children - I want them, you can keep your dogs and your bro's but this ho wants some little ones...
Simple no? Apparently it's actually scary.
So then no online, no speed dating, any guys who are circulating in the friend pool are either not datable, sorry Josh, taken, or unlabelable - OM. And so there we are waiting for someone somewhere to come crashing into us.
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