Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Next weekend marks the second year of my not wedding anniversary.  Now I am aware marking my not wedding anniversary firmly slides me onto the cusp of true and utter bitchness.  I am fine with at - hell I ran my first half marathon in Oklahoma nonetheless last year just so that I could say to the cosmos Damn It - I will learn from this, move on, be true to myself and all that good stuff.  I'm not going to make this some big sap fest.  Last year was hard, I last year was still living with the knowledge that it could have happened - I could have somehow sealed my fate to CEF because I am, as you might have noticed, damn well stubborn.

Anyways to avoid major disclosure and all that - I know that for now CEF is living in Philadelphia - I am safe and the world spins on (cue the Weepies song), so in light of that next weekend I will attempt to take whomever I can with me and drink to true love (spoken very Princess Bride-esque). I do believe that there is the kind of love that grows to people together and older/wiser/more mature etc.  I also believe that because we are all flawed love and relationships do and will have their flaws.  That future person wherever they are is there for a reason and I am here for a reason and we will just have to keep trucking on in our own self growth until those paths cross.  I have been gaining hope/inspiration from my grandmother (dad's step mom) who married in her late 50's.  They have been married 25+ years.  She was a nurse, an artist, a farmer and many many things before she was married in a time when being single meant well a lot more nasty things than it does now.  In the end she has had two amazing lives and is one of the most honorable and talented women I know.  So I fear not the world of singleness - I do however fear the world of my own shitty judgment - at least we know I dodged the CEF bullet in time.

Now just in case you weren't aware of the Weepies, a couple that met by happenstance and became this and so much more:

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