Wednesday, April 14, 2010


My skin has decided to completely jump ship from the Normal dingy.  I woke up to patch of bleeding eczema this morning - scratching in my sleep apparently.  So I'm almost permanently patchy hives as of late - my skin is crawling, red and angry.  Add to that the eczema and my permanent state of whiteness (can't tan and I don't use faux tanners because of my skin's hate for chemicals). I really don't know if I can stand putting on a dress and standing around for a few hours Saturday night.  It's just all a little too much.

Add to this the battle with my food - the changes which while they have made me feel vastly better, there are still hiccups and other gas issues, yes I went there.  I just feel a wreck.  No running has made me even softer - and while I have actually lost weight due to the serious carbohydrate and soy reduction and well just about everything has been changed.  I feel ugly.  I know I'm not but I am going through one of those moments where the good ship lollipop has been scuttled by self issues. It doesn't help that I feel the damned desire to be floating on the luxury yault AMAZING (aka Go NLLL yourself you mean, mean boy who broke my heart and deserves to burn in the agony of the knowledge of his sins) come this Saturday.

Well one little plus I managed to get a hair appointment scheduled for Saturday evening so I won't have to worry about that whole issue given that my hair is at the rather unfortunately length of I can't do anything with it up and it darn well shouldn't be down because well did I mention I am shedding like a woolly mammoth at the end of the ice age, it wouldn't be nice to get that on people...

I have just shoved one little hole in my vessel with a GF fresh homemade bagel and now to make me feel better - something that might make you feel worse.  I have to confess I like Justin because well that's a whole other blog, but let's just say while he's fluffy and sugary compared to the world of teen idols of my generation he's actually quite clean.  I like that.  We all love the other Justin for bringing sexy back - but I am an adult and so is Justin Sr, no 13 year old girl should be worried about bringing sexy anywhere - she should be serenaded by a boy promising to love and cherish her to the best his little hormonal heart can do.

I know you're dancing - don't hide it.


  1. Love the new template! Sorry that your skin is not cooperating with you. I wish I have any more helpful info. Have you seen a rheumatologist yet?
    I hope you feel better before your party.

  2. Thanks I love it too - and it's SOOO much easier to deal with than the last template was. It's okay dear I know that I just have to be patient and vigilant. I have found that I physically feel less 80 and more like 40 - so that's good. Small progress

  3. man i thought you meant timberlake. -cc

  4. I love Justin Sr. but for the fluffy feel good stuff I don't mind Justin Jr. It's the stuff to remind you that there is that simpler love out there.


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