Monday, April 12, 2010

So I Guess I Should Mention

AB is accompanying me to AL's party (NOTE: this is not a date, before I get yelled at - we were both invited and since AL has to pick us up from the T, we decided to make it easy for him and take the T together).  Yep, the first time I am seeing AB in almost 4 months and maybe that is why this whole party is getting me all a fluster, I'm not sure.  Now let me be clear this is no attempt at seducing him, he will not be invited to come home with me, I promise to do my best to keep my hands to myself, mingle around and in general not act like I still love the man bitterly and stubbornly.

Ah I feel better now that I've come clean with that.

Oh and I also promise to pass over the gin.  That I must solemnly swear... or there will be big time heart ache and a man that I will be kicking out of my bed.


  1. I hope this won't become one of those "I told you so" comments. Good luck. You'll need it.

  2. Goodness it better not be one of those I told you so type of nights. To be honest it's more the issue of how I can keep my shit together - that whole, calm cool collected knowing that he doesn't want us, and yet somewhere still alive in the back of my brain/heart is that stupid Kelly Clarkson line - all I ever wanted is you. I was saying to N this morning I think that's what really has me flustered. We have a 45minute T ride each way to this party plus the party and I think it may just all unhinge me slowly from the inside out....

  3. TOITB - you said it exactly.

    @singleandpicky - one word:



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