Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So.... when I said I wanted to date

I should have clarified to the cosmos, that I meant I want to date someone new - no re-dating.  The sad thing is BB asked me out for coffee.  Yes I know he's a barista - but he wants to take me downtown to this place that makes amazing soy lattes.  He's sweet and he gives me free coffee. BUT he is so broken.  I cannot fix him.  I wouldn't and even if I was crazy enough, and that would be like CRAZY crazy to consider that - I don't think any healthy person could even help him.  He needs professional help.  He's got shit.  Hell I've gone through big time shit in my life, and if your shit scares me, it needs someone to help you out and not a girl you like.... so *sigh* I haven't given him an answer, he kind of blindsided me at 6:30 this morning when he asked.  I wish I could be his friend - steer him to some help, but I think that's like trying to save a drowning man - it's more likely to put you in danger than them.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/charl22/168618212/sizes/m/in/photostream/


  1. Dang. I'd say break it to him gently, but I'm not really sure how he will react. I hope he's not volatile. Clear, concise, and civil. The 3 C's of any clean denial. Best of luck to you, pally.

  2. Thanks Victoria.

    TOITB - I don't even know how to broach the subject of I know you like me but I don't like you like that - you're sweet, I know that you need sane, adult friends, but I can't fix you - quite frankly no one can fix your issues - and yet that is okay...

  3. The shortest route is to not broach the subject at all...

    "Oh, right. your invite. No thank you."

    ...or if you do, rip the bandaid off quickly:

    "thanks for the invite, I appreciate it but I try not to date guys with baggage."


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