Wednesday, July 04, 2012


I was cracking earlier this week but that's a discussion for another time and place.  Right now there is a portion of my brain considering the following question:

At what time does your expression of interest in someone meet a point of being blatantly obvious, maybe even embarrassingly so to everyone else but is not addressed by the object of the interest?

I ask because KAB (Kick A** Ballerina -you know who, that's your new name unless you have a suggestion) pointed out during lunch a few days ago a fellow male classmate who has a propensity to fling himself with wild excessive abandon at almost any pretty woman.  It's embarrassing for everyone, not just him, it's like a train wreck in all it's glory, where you know you shouldn't stare but you cannot help yourself.  So I know I'm not him, but where am I at?  HSBFF asked today while we were making dinner would I date RB.  I don't know if we have anything - quite frankly I don't even think I'm his type, but I would like the opportunity to see.  Does that make sense.  I mean I'm a firm believer that a date is not a relationship and dates are good things, they help push you both awkwardly into a space where you decide if it clicks or its at least worthy of another go at awkwardness.  The thing is I don't know if there is anything I can do short of doing the asking myself that isn't going to declare my intentions to the whole of my graduate school because he sure hasn't picked up on any of my classic techniques.  I don't know, so here I am wondering what to do right now I feel like the only choice I have is to let it die... maybe that's where my heart is right now.  It's easier to let it go then to push the point.

I went down the rabbit hole of Youtube and found this, he maybe young but the boy has skill.

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