Thursday, July 05, 2012

And it dawns on me...

I have been having a Mr Darcy moment.  Not me as Elizabeth but me as Darcy.  If you're wondering what I am exactly referencing, consider this.  Yes RB is younger than me and I might have been rather blunt about this around him.  But maybe because I just do not know what to do in general.  After X it has taken a lot for me to psyche myself up for another relationship, for the up and down and the possibility of rejection.  Rejection is after all always a possibility.  So considering at this point to date someone 4 years younger who likely is not on a family/baby track, not that I can practically be spawning any time soon has made me waiver in my affections.  Beyond that it's hard enough to find someone who isn't a man child so fishing in a pond where being a man child is a fair moment in life it just seems foolish.  So here I am.  Aware that in many ways I'm slipping more and more daily into growing affections and at the same time being more and more hastened to pull away.  Because that makes so much sense.


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