Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Things that make me smile...

I'm having a little emotionally bumpy week (for lots of reasons) but fear not it is on the upswing.  I have decided to embrace the changes - the life and hair changes - goodness I think I should have done this whole hair thing on impulse and not after dwelling on it for months.  The best way to embrace change is with something new - like new shoes.  And shoes are the best thing for making me feel better - Ms. J actually has many pictures of me in NYC gawking at shoes in window displays.


Yes it official I have had enough of winter - bring on the skirts and the cute shoes.


  1. YAY!!! Enough of winter!!!! Ahmen!
    YES bring on the shoes!!!

  2. Sure it hasn't been hard or long, but it's just blah, I want sun and warm and green grass and all that loveliness that is spring


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