Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In Honor of Anti-Bullying Day

Hope you are wearing your pink today (thanks Victoria for the vid)


  1. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

    Thanks for bringing attention to this.

  2. It made me kind of sad this year, there weren't a lot of adults on board with it like they have in years past, and especially given the rash of suicides, I think it is even more important, we aren't getting the message through to kids that you are valuable, just the way you are. There will always be bullies and yes I want them gone, but their are adult bullies too and I deal with them. They needed to as kids come up against kids who knew that all they were spouting was complete BS. Now as a adults they just get angry and model the behavior to their children... it needs to stop with the kids.

    Eleanor was right, and every parent, adult and educator needs to remind each child they come in contact with - they are "amazing just the way they are" - steal a line from the song.


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