Saturday, February 26, 2011


The new roommate is moving in today or tomorrow... and I am meh - it's the weather. I blame it on the weather, I just want to get a few movies lined up and stay in bed and get that weekend in bed coating on my skin and hair... It's too cold to run, it's just too cold to be out of bed, it's gray. I need the sun to return and with it my desire to do anything.

I have the winter blues, the I cannot run blues and all sorts of other blues. Good times. So on that note something to return the smile to my face and maybe yours:

And yes it is who you think they are - no throwing stones at me, just listen to the song - close your eyes if you need to.

Song is thanks to this awesome blog


  1. Sorry about the blues. Let me know if you need anything. ::hugs::

  2. I don't know who this is but the singer's cute!

  3. It's Hanson - I love that we have all expunged our collective memory of MMM Bop


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