Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Friends with Benefits

I was always against the idea, adamantly against it, but I realized today as BB came up behind me in Sbucks and gave me a around the shoulders hug... that life has a funny way of mirroring your decisions. With AB I for whatever reasons fell into a FWB situation being the one handing out the benefits, and now with BB it's reversed. Now I'm not equating that actions that "don't involve sleeping" equal to a free Sbucks every morning, but it's oddly spurning on the same level of guilt. Appearances. While I don't care when I have a hand in the appearance, when it's my actions I can be held accountable for. With BB I feel like I've been roped into something that I don't really want to participate in...

Can I go back to my simple single life? Figure out what just dating looks like without employing the common online dating technique or similar options

1 comment:

  1. It takes 2 (or more if that is your thing) to tango...so if this isn't working, you may want to say something.


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