Monday, July 27, 2009

Where are the Fireworks?

Well that title was courtesy of CW... but the blog is courtesy of P&P and my new found love for Mr. Darcy. He is one man we can name in this arena of schmaltzy insanity. Where is my Mr. Darcy? Where is whatever it is that I keep waiting for? Sure BV causes my internal organs to go awry, but he also makes me just well livid, I don't think that is the way it should be. As for AB, here is a poor soul who has been so damn dissected, if he only knew. From his arrival at the birthday party - the second time we'd met to the weekly meeting for the last two months, to the texting while he's been out of the city and damn it to be honest I miss him... (groan). In the end I think to be honest, we (AB and I) are two people who may want something but also are two people who aren't there yet in either heart or mind and in the end even if that is a grand generalization for him, I know that is very much the case for me, I just can't yet open that up to the possibility of nothing happening, guarded seems to be a better idea, though that might be a fatal belief in the end...



  1. Where are the fireworks? Hell, send in the clowns. Oh wait, don't worry, they're here. Speaking generally and not specifically of course. One must love P&P, and that is a fine picture.

  2. You know I was skeptical about P&P - I mean I'd seen the movie more times than any sane woman or even slightly insane woman should admit to, but the book, well it was SOOO much better ahh it was bliss, to sit in a dark fan cooled room in the 30+C heat wave we're having and sigh and ooo and ah at the story, it was wonderful. The pic? It's courtesy of Flickr and it is fine isn't it?

  3. P&P, lovely little tome, I really should read more Jane Austin. One thing about the movie, I like KK as an actress, like the roles she picks, but I wish she weren't so borderline anorexic. Truly a superfine firework, indeed.


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