Monday, July 20, 2009

Apparently Everyone Does Look Fab In a Strapless Dress...

Oh fashion and life and all that... so while I have pretty much decided that I want neither of my options and I've been yelling a big NEXT to the cosmos, I don't know what that has in store, but my weekend, because I'm a little giggly about it.

So we all need those pick me ups - those moments when someone made you feel smoking, melt a hole in the asphalt hot. Well I had 11/2 of those moments on Saturday. So I sleep 13 hour on Friday/Saturday - from all the freaking sleep debt, so I hauled myself to the not sufficiently air conditioned land of my other desire other than my cute pink strapless dress... so while there was nothing to be found other than stacks dust earlier in the day, my suffering paid off... while I was on the bus my chauffeured vehicle, a hottie with an amazing camera got on, so the hottie was one thing, the $1000 + camera with the fancy lens, well I guess I was looking a little too longingly at the camera... but anyways as I got up to let someone sit on the crowded bus I noticed camera boy fiddling with his camera - and well a quick convo ensued and I got my photo taken... normally I would have been like ewww, violation, you do it to all the girls, and he likely does but HELL, I can be one of the girls if he's going to use that camera... anyways...

And the 1/2? Well I was buying my week's supply of potato beverage and I got ID'd, now the legal drinking age is currently *cough*8 years*cough* younger than my current age, give or take a few years... and I have to say that the Botox, Olay and Neutrogenia that are being scrubbed, pumped and slapped on this visage are apparently working, or he was distracted by my decolletage... apparently those look young too according to TBF's mother who's in the industry... gee thanks.


  1. I had to google decolletage...ya, just glad I didn't google that at work...

  2. Good to know that it's not in your every day vocabulary, and yes it's a good thing you didn't google that at work


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