Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I realized something recently I'm actually kind of content with being single.  I have enough of my plate.  I have an apparently brutal final exam coming up, since when did English exams become hard.  It appears I have been away from school too long - the times have changed.

But it is even the day to day stuff that makes me feel like trying to give time to another is not a good idea.  As it stands I have to take a day off to get my simple errands done - new passport (they need to make them last longer), application for grad school, new Govt ID (I've put this off long enough).  Clean my house top to bottom, including re-potting plants.  Shop for fall work clothes, lose the therapy/sick weight then shop for fall clothes, and the list goes on.  Oh and I have a half and full marathon to be training for. Given my type A tendencies, I figure get the little things out of the way, get into the swing of school/work etc in September and then think about it.  Now I know I'm not getting any younger, but here is the deal.  I would prefer to find someone in the day to day of life, and so while I'm moving forward I'm conscious I might and I stress might meet that person, if not then yes someday I'll go back to the online option.  But for now, like gluten, dairy and soy I just cannot stomach it



  1. Yes, but people like you and I never have nothing on our plates! We love to be busy and cannot say no...


  2. I agree, I know that there will never be a convenient time but I feel like the more I feel I don't want to the more it just seems like it isn't even feasible. Probably sign of a bad time or I'm just not in the right frame of mind.


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