Monday, August 02, 2010

Damn You LOST

I hadn't watched a single episode of LOST until last summer.  It was last August that AB, his roommate, her boyfriend and I spent long hours digesting the first season of LOST in the heat of their apartment.  I got hooked, and then well I lost the ability to watch LOST, given all the shit that went down last fall... Anyways fast forward and this winter when it came back on I started watching. Yes I am aware that there is 4 seasons in between, all valuable, and someday I will watch them, but given the nature of forward, back and sideways in the show it wasn't a poor decision.  Anyways, about a week ago I realize that I had stopped watching the show in the spring (TV schedules) and so I picked it up again.  I just watched the last episode.  Okay so I cried at the end of Dawson's Creek, Roswell, 6 Feet Under (btw amazing way to end a show) and let's be honest I can be moved to tears by nearly anything.  But this, well some reason it was epic tear inducing.  Then again it could just be that I'm sad.  I'm not one to say you know this actually affects me - but my Oma passed away on Sunday.  And now I'm realizing that well life has it's rough and tumble emotional times and this is one for me.

So yes damn you LOST for that emotional release because while it's lovely now I'm sad.

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