Monday, June 04, 2012

So Tempted

I am so ridiculously tempted to drop this online thing.  Why? So soon?  Well I realized today as I hoovered down my lunch in my usual 10 minute speed break from the library, when do I have time to date?  Really?  When do I have time? Realistically it is not fair to get to know someone and then tell them that my standing date with the library will actually take eternal precedence.   Nevermind, I have to weed out the jealous ones because my new program is 80% male (though about 90% of those are married).  So I can just see it now, hey new BF I am going to be spending this weekend in the library with my fellow Hebrew language peeps, feel free to stop by at say 2 when my bladder demands I get out of my cubicle or about 9 when I stumble home ravenous and beyond exhausted.  Take your pick!  But then again, as X knows, this is what the rest of my life is going to look like in some aspect or another - crazy long emotionally draining (but worth it) hours.

I am giving this process to the end of the week and then I'm out of there.  Reasonable?  Seems like that to me because this whole thing is making the boy two cubicles behind me actually look attractive and he's normally a bombastic ass.

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