Sunday, April 10, 2011

You Wouldn't Think

That a weekend spent in a hospital room would be exhausting.  I love Ms. J and would stay as long as she needed me there - but it's hard to see her dependent on others.  But she is doing really really well in the grand scheme of things. 

But this blog isn't about how awesome and strong she is, though it should be - it is about a video that I needed to see this morning.  A friend of Ms. J's and I posted it on her FB.  Now I'm not a huge fan of FB but when it means that I get to hear something like this - something that almost made me want to cry and shout amen and nod along in silenced awe/overwhelmedness.   She is, that, will be, makes me, and  and will and want to be and and and there is no one sentence that will come from my mouth.  So listen while I try to untangle the sentences from my mouth.

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