Saturday, March 12, 2011


Ms J and I have a regular date night - I like date night/games night/hockey night.  We eat, we bitch, we do something - games, movies, yelling at one of the brothers... But some nights when we opt for the movie choice, it makes me think too much.  Don't get me wrong.  I do like to think, but I find that if I get excited about reading, writing and learning I start to hate my job.  Correction I start to hate my job more than I do already. 

Ms J and I were going to see the King's Speech, then opted for the Adjustment Bureau and then as we were in line it sold out, so what then? Well a nice artsy looking couple suggested Incendies (Subtitle -"Scorced").  Apparently it has been years since I took French because the oh so obvious real English subtitle did not jump out at me.  Even if it did, that in the end wasn't what the movie was about, it was the amazing collection of layers.  It has made me want to track down the play it is based on.  It  has made me want to write, to reconsider how as a writer you can choose to layer a story.  A story is not like building a structure, there are no laws of gravity to determine in which order it is built.

But I will stop there and say see it. Please do yourself a favor, yes it's a foreign film - a large portion is French for you Canadians it's really actually accessible.  For everyone else the dialogue is sparse, laid bare and to the point.  You will not be reading a manifesto of subtitles in tiny font.

If it helps you decide it just cleaned up at the Genies and was nominated for an Academy Award.


  1. it looks good. I'll check it out if it's out here in my neck of the woods.

  2. sounds like a good one.. and i love the eighties too!

  3. I've been dying to see that movie....but does it count as foreign if it's French Canadian? ha, I wouldn't be all that surprised if the answer was yes.
    Moving into Vancouver next week, Jenn. We have to arrange a get together :)

  4. It's sort of foreign given that it is set in Lebanon as well - you don't know that's where it is but it's implied. It's really good, a really good mind bend.

    WOOT for you moving back!!


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