Monday, July 05, 2010

I Give You Permission

To raise your hand against me, or groan or something of that nature... I have re-evaluated my plans - again.  It would help if I paused for one hot second in all this, but blerg (Ms. J's term) why would I do such a rational thing...  I have apparently missed the Winter enrollment date.  I can apply for late enrollment, however I'm not eligible for any financial aid then.  I would also need to get all my references together by the end of this week along with my transcripts.

So I have paused and have considered this, I enroll for the Summer semester (starts May 2011), I can apply for financial aid, I also give myself another 4 full months of employment by which to completely pay off my previous student debt and maybe even save up for a trip with Ms. J or to friends (West Palm or Philly) or a race (this one specifically) or even a sofa.  I need a new sofa, bookshelves (I don't think you want to see what my floor has turned into)... anyways so there you have it - more changes.

On a happier note, I received my draft proposal back with positive reviews (yay my brain), and I'm going to be spending the weekend with Ms. J's family on their boat - yay for vay-cay!!

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