Thursday, July 08, 2010

Hot Hot Heat and Advice

It's a tad warm around these parts, to the point where I decided to be all cultural and siesta and found myself fused with my sheets, via drool and sweat despite having a fan... I also spent the greater part of the afternoon/evening in the kitchen prepping for tomorrow's jaunt off to the islands with Ms. J and PU. If you are curious pulled pork, slaw, watermelon and guacamole are on the menu.  I try to make sure my peeps eat the best I can offer... speaking of which I made GF/DF cupcakes (w/pink icing) for Ms. J's belated b-day celebrations.

But that isn't really life altering.  Today I had a lunch meeting with my friend/pastor/adviser/mentor of nearly 10 years (eek time goes by fast these days).  We discussed my life, my dreams, my finances and the road towards whatever my future is... he feels that my desire to get an MCS Interdisciplinary might no prove fruitful for applying for PhD programs.  However I realized in our discussion that I believe strongly that I should apply regardless because it's what I need.  I need to keep growing into me before I believe I can tackle dreams like writing a novel, speaking publicly about the past events in my life and just really moving forward with confidence... so that is the goal.  It is one I am open to changing, but right now in all practical senses working off all my debt, even saving, and going to school next May seems like the best option.  We'll see if this is my "reboot" moment - but before we get there I need to skip off to my paper.  Night

PS I love, love, love this woman, even more so in the dying light of warm summer nights:


  1. Love Mindy! I have 2 of her albums! BTW, the summer description of sticking to sheets is all too true for me this past month. Right now, I'm loving the fact that I get to wear scrubs @ work and not have to deal with dress shirts and ties. It's just way more comfortable.
    The menu sounds awesome. Hope you have a fun weekend!

  2. We did have fun - completely wish it was longer, such is life. Thankfully it's cooled down around these parts - back to humane temperatures. All was good in the food part, too well, I think I need to really start running again.

    As to Mindy she's perfect summer evening music.


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