Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Commuting Calamity

I think it's fair to say I am being laughed at by the cosmos, and all I have to say to that is hmph, really? Okay so I have to say I didn't feel that way when I looked to my right this morning, there he was, afternoon bus boy, the one I actually have flirted with. This was only after I finished off my large serving of bran and organic yogurt right from the large tub (it was not the whole tub, just a convenient usage of the remainder). Each other's presence was acknowledged and there it was left, left with us sitting on either ends of the train, waiting, only to realize we get off at the same stop. The creepy thing was that is was in act the self exposure of ourselves. It is one thing to get on a bus at a major loop with trains and bus converging, we could have been coming from any which direction possible, however it turns out we both make the same one hour commute to the same stop. We daily get on and off at the same stop an hour or so from our respective home bus stops. Maybe it's surprising to say that I find that new information in both of our data banks more invasive and revealing than the bus ride back before Christmas we spent pressed into each other (packed bus, nothing more).

Oh well, Happy Tuesday and on that wonderful note a theme song for this week,

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