Monday, November 28, 2011


Okay so what started as a simple FB question has morphed into an essay-a-thon with Directory Boy.  A boy I might add that I've spoken to for all of like 10 minutes in person - knows like a date or two date's worth of information from me over FB.  I've kept it as light and fluffy as there is no sense getting into anything he can't just ask me in person.  I cannot say that it's do anything for him though - he seems sweet but he's the kind of man we (I or any of my female friends) could eat for breakfast, post coffee intake.  We aren't mean, we aren't b*tches, we're just well strong willed.  I need a man with backbone and an ability to handle my me-ness. X could totally do this - Directory Boy as it stands sure as hell has only his abs going for him... hmpf.


  1. Amen.

    There is nothing worse than meeting a great guy....that you can eat for breakfast, post coffee intake. lol

    It's hard to supress the urge to just mess with guys like that. Break them.

  2. After I've had carbs and coffee and hopefully a good 8 hours of sleep I'm normally sane - I think I'm quite cheerful. Though X would say me tired without coffee is hell to deal with - and I'm so sorry I'm such a bitch in the mornings.

    But yep - basically at my happiest I think I wouldn't crush him - at my most OCD or whatever he'd be mush. He seems nice enough that I don't want to break him - to be honest I know to some degree I likely will. But here is to hoping he surprises me.

    BTW I don't know about you but Movember needs to be over like yesterday - the mustaches are killing me.


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