Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Er this is awkward...

So I have a confession.

I used to have a huge crush on a barista that worked at the coffee place by my house (and worked with my first roommate L). And my used to, I mean like 2007 used to. So much so I placed an missed connection in the local free paper. And while I knew he probably knew and I started to avoid the place afterwards and eventually he was moved from that store. I was kind of crushed...(hardy, har) seriously he was cute and friendly and while probably eons younger than me, since I was never going to my shit together and ask him out it didn't matter.


So I've started attending a new church and I know the best way to be human is to be me with coffee in by body, so I stopped in one of the bazillion coffee shops downtown Sunday, and I looked at the guy helping me and I was sure it was him, after all I'd spent the better part of a year oogling him, sure he was a little more portly than I remember, but working in a coffee shop seems to do that to people.  I didn't want to ask his name, because hello creeper mode. But then I saw the name tag. It was him. So when he started to chat me up, I asked, as casual as I could, did you used to barista at X. He went kind of pale and stumbled on his words. I quickly backtracked, throwing L out into the conversation, you know her, as if she came home and talked about him all the time... she didn't.

So yep, the world is weird and small and no I'm not going to ask him out because well no and there are lots of really go reasons not to like I'm 100% sure he hasn't had a miraculous conversion in the past 6 years and nor has he added 6 additional years to his life to make us roughly the same age.

Anyways, laugh and know while I need caffeine I will not be making his store a regular occurrence.

Oh and speaking of the new church - DD attends there and we can officially cross him off the list - thankfully he doesn't make me feel like my stomach is going to burst forth from my belly button when I am in his presence. And as for a friend from a previous setting to attends, he seems to be ignoring me, I'm not sure if he's pissed I didn't use him as my gateway friendship or he's totally forgotten what I look like although we're FB friends.

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