Monday, October 31, 2011

This November Season...

I don't normally talk about anything political, I normally keep things to my self as an act of respect.  But I must be honest, I struggle with Remembrance Day.  I understand that there are many passionately for it - I understand that in many ways and yet in many others I do not.  I am the child of two parents who saw the effect of war as children, as the enemy, we praise men for killing, on behalf of our freedom.  We think it is simple.  We think that wearing a red poppy is a simple act.  It's not.  For me it's an act that says we do not understand.  We do not understand the depth of pain that a bullet has regardless of whose gun it is shot from.  War is not simple.  It is not about sides, it is terrorism on all sides - removing humanity in those who claim to do it for freedom and those they oppose.

I am not saying you should not wear a poppy, but remember those men, like my Opa, who was the enemy, and his children - my mother and her siblings who while in Canada witnessed hate and retribution on the playgrounds and classrooms to the grocery stores.   They are my heritage and they are the reason my parents raised us as pacifists.  My family is the reason I wear a white poppy on Remembrance Day, no blood should be shed in the war games the politicians play.


  1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was feeling this way today. I read an article today about politics that had my blood boiling and I had to talk myself down from doing a post out of pure anger.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with a discussion of a political nature. However, there is something wrong with the way that people jump down each others throats and don't practice any civility or respect toward someone's own personal beliefs, despite the fact that we call them a friend/relative etc.

    A little understanding goes such a long way.

    Oh, and I'm a fairly new reader to your blog. It's nice to virtually meet you. *shakes your e hand*

  2. Well hello *returns e-handshake* - I really feel politics is a place for voices that are firm but calm and quiet. I can respect someone against me if they understand it isn't s shouting war, that we don't change minds by being the voice that shouts the loudest.

    Well welcome - I will say I cannot guarantee that the rest of this blog content won't be fluffy stuff, grad school is sucking my brain dry of anything of valuable content.


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